Friday, September 02, 2005

How can I get an article into PDF format for students to use?

There are two basic ways to get an article scanned to PDF in the College of Education, you can give materials to be scanned to the mailroom staff, and if they are not too big (not sure exactly how they define “big”) they can email the PDF versions directly to you, and then you can forward them right to students. You can sign into the Raiderlink portal (from our Quicklinks on the homepage) and from there access your faculty "RaiderRoster," which includes a customized mailing list for all the students in each one of your sections.

2nd option is you can provide the materials to a member of our faculty support staff (in Education 366), and they can scan them for you, and post them online to a website on our college site, your TLTC website, or a WebCT course site.

If they are too “big” to be emailed to you directly then the mailroom staff will have them scanned into a network directory, which you can access from your computer (your P drive) or a member of the faculty support staff can help you access them.